Genesis "In The Beginning" paroles

Traduction vers:pl

In The Beginning

Ocean of motionSquirming around and up and downPushing togetherScattering mountains all around you

That is the sound of a new born worldAnd the light from a curious skyIt has begunYou're in the hands of destiny

Thrashing with violenceHurling its lava up and downFurnace of frenzyBurning with power uncontrolled

That is the sound of a new born worldAnd the light from a curious skyIt has begunYou're in the hands of destiny

Is that the chariot with stallions gold?Is that a prince of heaven on the ground?Is that the roar of a thundercrash?This is my world and it's waiting to be crownedFather, son, looks down with happinessLife is on its way

Ocean of motionSquirming around and up and downPushing togetherScattering mountains all around you

That is the sound of a new born worldAnd the light from a curious skyIt has begunYou're in the hands of destiny

Is that the chariot with stallions gold?Is that a prince of heaven on the ground?Is that the roar of a thundercrash?This is my world and it's waiting to be crownedFather, son, looks down with happinessLife is on its way

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson In The Beginning de Genesis. Ou les paroles du poème In The Beginning. Genesis In The Beginning texte.