Tereza Kesovija "If I Could Have You Back Again" paroles

Traduction vers:behrru

If I Could Have You Back Again

If I could have you back againit would be just like beforeI wouldn't want to change a thingexcept to love even more.

If I could see you just awhileor just one moment here and gonefor that moment I would smilebut forever I would sing a song.

If I could have you back againhold you close and call you mineif I could have a chance to saythat I love you one more time.

I would give up everythingeverything in this lifeif I could have you back againif I could have you back again.

If I could have you back againit would be like long agowhen we were young and deep in lovewhen we were young, too young to know.

If I could see you like you werepure and sweet now I'm wiseI would take your hand and dreamupon the stars in your eyes.

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