How can it be,The sky is so blue,When I am not anymore with you?
How can it be,My face didn't change,When there's no your eyes to gaze?
Did I lose or did I winThe sun's rising anyway.
How can it be,The sky is so blue,When I am not anymore with you?
How can it be,My face didn't change,When there's no your eyes to gaze?
Did I lose or did I winThe sun's rising anyway.
Nasıl oldu bu,Gökyüzü çok mavi,Ne zamandan beri artık seninle değilim?
Nasıl oldu bu,Yüzüm değişmedi,Ne zamandan beri gözlerini seyretmez oldum?
Kayıp mı ettim yoksa kazandım mıGüneş yine de yükseliyor