mochila de amor
Yo tengo una mochila de amor por ti iii
pues tengo mi libreta y mi lapiz que escriba tu nombre ee
sabes bn q estoy aqui q yo siempre pienso en ti q contigo
aprendi lo q es amor q tu eres para mi q contigo soy feliz
mi mochila de amor
eee oo mi mochila de amor (bis) was turnedI won a lot of fruit that she investedbaby girlyou are the principle figureand from there she is never going to escapeyou know that I am always going (i think you mean amar-going to love you)and where want to go I am going to take youbecause I am who I ama sea athlete(swimmer) until sunup today(I am not sure if that is right)and how you showed be to loveI am always thinking about yousabes bn q estoy aquique contigo aprendi lo q es amor
miguelitoq contigo soy feliz mi mochila de amor
ee oo mi mochila de maor (bis)seras siempre para mipara mi seras para mi seras para mi serasMiguelito will not forget youand nobody like you existsy de ahi ….amol como el tuyo mami no encontrarecomo se q haci sera nunca tratarede buscar quien ocupe tu lugary en mi corazon siempre tu estaras si y nunca te voy aand in my heart you will always be and I am never going to forget youmy sky, you knw that I love you, without you, you are the one that I long for(meaning I can;t live without you)I can't live without your love as they send me, my backpack of loveyou know well that I am here
eee ooo mi mochila de amor oo mi mochila de amo ee(bis)miguelito miguelito el heredero