Queens of the Stone Age "You Can't Quit Me Baby" letra

Traducción al:el

You Can't Quit Me Baby

It's a mistake, but who knowsFollowed you home, crawled in your windowThis life is a trip when you're psycho in loveAnd I know

Followed your friends, you were not thereSlashed and I cut, I bled in the sinkHeard what you said and you're laughing babySlashed and I cut, and I do it for youI want you to notice when I'm not aroundWherever you are

You're solid goldI'll see you in hell

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción You Can't Quit Me Baby de Queens of the Stone Age. O la letra del poema You Can't Quit Me Baby. Queens of the Stone Age You Can't Quit Me Baby texto. También se puede conocer por título You Cant Quit Me Baby (Queens of the Stone Age) texto.