The Veronicas "This is how it feels" letra

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This is how it feels

You keep calling my phone non-stopDon't you know I won't pick it up?You never leave a messageLook how you've changed

You got nothing to say, gettin' in the wayShow up at my houseYou're gettin' so obsessiveLike I have time for you

Wasn't it me you didn't want?Wasn't it me who was hanging on?Now I'm done but before I go I want you to know ...

This is how it feelsWhen you wait for a call that never comesAre you awake at night 'cause you miss someone?This is how it feelsWhen the trust you had is broken,And you're left to burn with your heart wide open

Oh Oh

You wanted me, not to tell me whyWhy and how you had the heart to fuck up my whole lifeThat's just so you

And now I've moved on by myselfAnd maybe I won't forgiveI'll just forget you livedAnd I hope it hurts

Wasn't it me you tried to blame?Wasn't it me you threw away?But before you go there's something you should know ...

This is how it feelsWhen you wait for a call that never comesAre you awake at night 'cause you miss someone?This is how it feels (oh oh)When the trust you had is broken,And you're left to burn with your heart wide open

You taught me how to hate youWhen I was so in loveWhen I tried to save us it was not enoughSo what the hell is different'cause now that I am goneYou're crawling back to tell meI'm the one

Oh OhThis is how it feelsOh OhThis is how it feels

When you wait for a call that never comesAre you awake at night 'cause you miss someone?This is how it feels (oh oh oh, oh oh oh)When the trust you had is broken,And you're left to burn with your heart wide open

Do you only want me'cause you can't have me?Do you only want me'cause I'm gone?Do you only want me'cause you can't have me?Do you only want me'cause I'm gone?Do you only want me'cause you can't have me?Do you only want me'cause I'm gone?Do you only want me'cause you can't have me?Do you only want me'cause I'm gone?

Oh Oh

Takto to je

Neprestávaš mi volať non-stopNevieš, že to nezdvihnem?Nikdy nenecháš odkazPozri sa ako si sa zmenil

Nemáš čo povedať, stojac v cestePrítomný v mojom domeZačínaš byť posadnutýAkoby som mala pre teba čas

Nebola som to ja, ktorú si nechcel?Nebola som to ja, ktorá čakala?Teraz som skončila ale predtým ako odídemChcem aby si vedel

Presne takto to jeKed čakáš na hovorA on nikdy neprídeLežiac bdejúc v nociPretože ti niekto chýbaPresne takto to jeKed dôvera ktorú si mal bola zlomenáA tebe zostalo len vzblknuťSo srdcom široko otvoreným

Chcel si sa stretnúť aby si mi povedal prečoPrečo a akoSi mal to srdce a posral mi celý životTo si presne tyTeraz som sa pohlaNašla samu sebaA môžno neodpustímLen som zabudla na to ako žiješA dúfam že to bolí

Nebola som to ja koho si sa snažil oklamať?Nebola som to ja koho si odsotil preč?Ale predtým ako odídešJe tu niečo čo by si mal vedieť

Naučil si ma ako ťa nenávidieťA ja som bola tak zamilovanáKed som sa snažila zachrániť násNebolo to dosťTa aký je do pekla rozdiel v tomČi som odišla?Ty sa plazíš späť aby si mi povedalŽe som jedináPresne takto to je

Vážne chceš len mňa?Pretože ma nemôžeš maťVážne chceš len mňa?Pretože ja som už preč

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción This is how it feels de The Veronicas. O la letra del poema This is how it feels. The Veronicas This is how it feels texto.