Peter Heppner "Walter [london Or Manchester]" letra

Traducción al:de

Walter [london Or Manchester]

Hey you, come down and playOh, I don't know, what can I sayYou know, there lies a day aheadWe will enjoy and laugh like mad

Wait just a second hereI'll be back soon, most sincereAnd then I'll show you how it's doneI know a thousand ways to have some fun

And then a laugh appearedAnd made our dayGone were all our fearsOf being afraid

Hey friend, I know you wellSo, be careful 'bout what you sayI could take it seriouslyAnd then one day we would have to leave

But let's go, we'll find our placeWe will not pass without a traceAnd I know we'll make it thereIn London or in Manchester

And then a song appearedAnd we dreamed onGone were all our fearsOf being no one

Hey man, it's dark in hereAnd I can't find you anywhereI don't know if I can bearTo know that you're not still somewhere

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Walter [london Or Manchester] de Peter Heppner. O la letra del poema Walter [london Or Manchester]. Peter Heppner Walter [london Or Manchester] texto. También se puede conocer por título Walter london Or Manchester (Peter Heppner) texto.