Train "Save Me, San Francisco" letra

Traducción al:el

Save Me, San Francisco

I used to love the TenderloinTill I made some tender coinThen I met some ladies from MarinWe took the highway to the OneUp the coast to catch some sunThey left me with these blisters on my skin.

Don't know what I was on, but I think it grows in OregonSo I kept on going, going, gone, right throughI drove into Seattle rain, fell in love then missed the trainThat could a took me right back home to you

I been highI been lowI been yes, and I been oh hell noI been rock 'n roll and discoWon't you save me San Francisco

Ooo ooo ooo, oh oh

Every day's so caffeinatedI wish they were Golden GatedFillmore couldn't feel more miles awaySo, wrap me up return to senderLet's forget this 5 year benderTake me to my city by the Bay

I never knew all that I hadNow Alcatraz don't sound so badAt least they'd have a hella fine merlotIf I could wish upon a starI would hitch a cable carTo the one place that I'll always call my home

I been highI been lowI been yes, and I been oh hell noI been rock 'n roll and discoWon't you save me San FranciscoI been upI been downI been so damn lost since you're not aroundI been reggae and calypsoWon't you save me San Francisco

To tell you the truthI miss everything...everythingIt's a wild, wide, beautiful worldBut there's a wide-eyed girl back thereAnd she means everything...everything

I been stopI been goI been yes and I been oh hell noI been rock 'n roll and discoWon't you save me San FranciscoI been upI been downI been so damn lost since you're not aroundI been reggae and calypsoWon't you save me San Francisco

Oo oo oo...oh ohWon't you save me San FranciscoOo oo oo...oh ohWon't you save me San Francisco

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