Sabaton "Primo Victoria" letra

Primo Victoria

Through the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the Nazi linesPrimo victoria!

We've been training for yearsNow we're ready to strikeAs the great operation beginsWe're the first wave on the shoreWe're the first ones to fallYet soldiers have fallen before

In the dawn they will payWith their lives as the priceHistory's written todayIn this burning infernoKnow that nothing remainsAs our forces advance on the beach

Aiming for heaven though serving in hellVictory is ours, their forces will fall

Chorus:Through the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the Nazi linesPrimo victoria!

On the 6th of JuneOn the shores of Western Europe, 1944D-day upon us

We've been here beforeUsed to this kind of warCrossfire grind through the sandOur orders were easyIt's kill or be killedBlood on both sides will be spilled

In the dawn they will payWith their lives as the priceHistory's written todayNow that we are at warWith the Axis againThis time we know what will come

Aiming for heaven though serving in hellVictory is ours, their forces will fall

Chorus:Through the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the Nazi linesPrimo victoria!

On 6th of JuneOn the shores of western Europe 1944D-day upon us

(Guitar solo & instrumental)

6th of June, 1944Allies are turning the warNormandy, state of anarchyOverlord

Aiming for heaven though serving in hellVictory is ours, their forces will fall

Chorus:Through the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the Nazi linesPrimo victoria!

On 6th of JuneOn the shores of Western Europe, 1944D-day upon us

Chorus:Through the gates of hellAs we make our way to heavenThrough the Nazi linesPrimo victoria!

On 6th of JuneOn the shores of Western Europe, 1944Primo victoria!

Primo victoria

Läpi helvetin porttienMatkalla taivaaseenLäpi natsien linjojenPrimo victoria

Olemme harjoitelleet vuosiaNyt olemme valmiit iskemäänTämän suuren operaation alkaessaOlemme ensimmäinen aalto rannallaOlemme ensimmäiset, jotka kaatuvatMutta sotilaita on kaatunut ennenkin

Aamunkoitteessa he saavat maksaa hengelläänHistoriaa kirjoitetaan tänäänTässä palavassa helvetissäTietää ettei mikään säilyKun joukkomme etenevät rannalla

Tähtää taivaaseen, vaikka palvelee helvetissäVoitto on meidän, heidän joukkonsa kaatuvat

Läpi helvetin porttienMatkalla taivaaseenLäpi natsien linjojenPrimo victoria

6. kesäkuutaLänsi-Euroopan rannoilla 1944D-Day on käsillä

Olemme olleet täällä aiemminTottuneet tämänlaiseen sotaanRistituli jauhaa hiekkaaKäskymme olivat yksinkertaisetTapa tai tule tapetuksiVerta vuodatetaan molemmin puolin

Aamunkoitteessa he saavat maksaa hengelläänHistoriaa kirjoitetaan tänäänNyt kun olemme sodassaTaas akselia vastaanTälläkertaa he tietävät mitä on tulossa

6. kesäkuuta 1944Liittoutuneet kääntävät sodanNormandia anarkiassaOverlord

Prima Victorie!

Prin portile iaduluiNe croim drumul spre raiPrin transeele nazisteVictoria primeaza!

De ani ne-am antrenatAcum suntem pregatiti sa lovimPrecum mareata operatiune incepeNoi suntem primul val pe tarm ,Suntem primii cazutiInsa soldati au cazut inainte

In zori ei vor platiCu pretul vietii lorIstoria astazi este scrisaIn infernul inflacaratFiti siguri, nimic nu ramaneCand fortele/trupele noastre, pe plaja avanseaza

(Ch)Tintind raiul, desi slujim iadulVictoria e a noastra, armatele lor vor cadea

Prin portile iaduluiNe croim drumul spre raiPrin transeele nazisteVictoria primeaza!

Pe 6 iuniePe malurile vestului Europei 1944Ziua D(cea mare) a sosit

Noi am mai fost aici inainteObisnuiti cu acest gen de razboiSchimb de focuri, in nisipuriOrdinele noastre simple au fost"Ucizi sau esti ucis"!!Sange va curge in ambele tabere

In zori ei vor platiCu pretul vietii lorIstoria astazi este scrisaAcum ca suntem in razboiCu puterile axiste, din nouDe data asta noi stim ce va veni

Tintind raiul, desi slujim iadulVictoria e a noastra, armatele lor vor cadea 1!!!

(Refren)Prin portile iaduluiNe croim drumul spre raiPrin transeele nazisteVictoria primeaza!

Pe 6 iuniePe malurile vestului Europei 1944Ziua D(cea mare) a sosit

(Instrumental plus solo chitara )

6 iunie 1944Fortele unite, razboiul il "rastoarna"Normandia anarhieiOperatiunea "Overload"!

Tintind raiul, desi slujim iadulVictoria e a noastra, armatele lor vor cadea !!!!

(Refren)Prin portile iaduluiNe croim drumul spre raiPrin transeele nazisteVictoria primeaza!

Pe 6 iuniePe malurile vestului Europei 1944Ziua D(cea mare) a sosit

(Refren)Prin portile iaduluiNe croim drumul spre raiPrin transeele nazisteVictoria primeaza!

Pe 6 iuniePe malurile vestului Europei 1944Victoria conteaza!!!

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Primo Victoria de Sabaton. O la letra del poema Primo Victoria. Sabaton Primo Victoria texto.