Green Day "Minority" letra

Traducción al:elfrsr


I want to be the minorityI don't need your authorityDown with the moral majority'Cause I want to be the minority

I pledge allegiance to the underworldOne nation under dogThere of which I stand aloneA face in the crowdUnsung, against the moldWithout a doubtSingled outThe only way I know

'Cause I want to be the minorityI don't need your authorityDown with the moral majority'Cause I want to be the minority

Stepped out of the lineLike a sheep runs from the herdMarching out of timeTo my own beat nowThe only way I know

One light, one mindFlashing in the darkblinded by the silence of a thousand broken heartsFor crying out loud she screamed out to mea free for allFuck 'em allyou are your own sight

'Cause I want to be the minorityI don't need your authorityDown with the moral majority'Cause I want to be the minority

One light, one mindFlashing in the darkblinded by the silence of a thousand broken heartsFor crying out loud she screamed out to mea free for allFuck 'em allYou are your own sight

'Cause I want to be the minorityI don't need your authorityDown with the moral majority'Cause I want to be the minority(I wanna be...) the minority (x4)


Želim biti manjinaNe želim da trpim vaš autoritetIspod moralne većineZato želim biti manjina

Obećavam svoju vernost podzemljuCelokupna nacija ispod psaBilo koji,ja sam samSamo lice u gomiliNeopevan,protiv ukalupljenjaBez sumnjeIzdvojio sam seTo je jedini način koji znam

Zato želim biti manjinaNe želim da trpim vaš autoritetIspod moralne većineZato želim biti manjina

Izašao izvan linijeKao ovca iz stadaOtišao izvan vremenaZa moj ritam sadaTo je jedini način koji znam

Jedno svetlo,jedan umTrepere u mrakuZaslepljuju tišinu hiljadu polomljenih srcaZaplakali glasno,vrisnuli za meneBesplatno za sveJebite ih sveVi ste svoj vlastiti pogled

Zato želim biti manjinaNe želim da trpim vaš autoritetIspod moralne većineZato želim biti manjina

Jedno svetlo,jedan umTrepere u mrakuZaslepljuju tišinu hiljadu polomljenih srcaZaplakali glasno,vrisnuli za meneBesplatno za sveJebite ih sveVi ste svoj vlastiti pogled

Zato želim biti manjinaNe želim da trpim vaš autoritetIspod moralne većineZato želim biti manjina(Želim biti...)manjina (x4)

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Minority de Green Day. O la letra del poema Minority. Green Day Minority texto.