Bon Jovi "(I Don't Wanna Fall) To The Fire" letra

Traducción al:elfrsr

(I Don't Wanna Fall) To The Fire

We would take no prisoners'Cause there was nobody giving inThey came walking through my jungleAnd met an angel about to sinI heard a voice from inside of meWhen the youth of America cried:Can you help me, hear me call

[Chorus:]I don't wanna fall (I don't wanna fall)I don't wanna fall (I don't wanna fall)To the fireI don't wanna fall (I don't wanna fall)I don't wanna fall (I don't wanna fall)To the fire

When you're a part of societyYou know, the heart of your innocence diesWhen we met with AuthorityI looked him right between the eyes'Cause all we had was our innocenceAll we had was our hearts to try to win the fight you tell me...Can you save me, from it all


Can you help me, hear me callCan you save me, from it all


(Ne želim pasti) u vatru*

Nećemo uzeti zatvorenikejer tamo nema nikog ko se predajeDošli su koračajući po mojoj džunglii upoznali grešnog anđelaKada mladost Amerike plače:Možeš li mi pomoći? Čuj me kako dozivam!

(Refren)Ne želim pasti (Ne želim pasti)Ne želim pasti (Ne želim pasti)u vatruNe želim pasti (Ne želim pasti)Ne želim pasti (Ne želim pasti)u vatru

Kada si deo društvaZnaš,srce tvoje nevinosti umireKada smo se sreli se AutoritetomPogledao sam ga pravo među očijer sve što smo imali je bila naša nevinostSve što smo imali su bila naša srca koja su pokušavala da pobede u borbi,rekao si miMožeš li me spasiti,od svega toga?


Možeš li mi pomoći? Čuj me kako dozivam!Možeš li me spasiti,od svega toga?


Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción (I Don't Wanna Fall) To The Fire de Bon Jovi. O la letra del poema (I Don't Wanna Fall) To The Fire. Bon Jovi (I Don't Wanna Fall) To The Fire texto. También se puede conocer por título I Dont Wanna Fall To The Fire (Bon Jovi) texto.