Worship Songs "Testify to Love" letra

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Testify to Love

VERSE 1:All the colors of the rainbowAll of voices of the windEvery dream that reaches outThat reaches out to find where love beginsEvery word of every storyEvery star in every skyEvery corner of creation lives to testify

CHORUS:For as long as I shall liveI will testify to loveI'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enoughWith every breath I take I will give thanks to God aboveFor as long as I shall liveI will testify to love

VERSE 2:From the mountains to the valleysFrom the rivers to the seaEvery hand that reaches outEvery hand that reaches out to offer peaceEvery simple act of mercyEvery step to kingdom comeAll the Hope in every heart willSpeak what love has done

CHORUS:For as long as I shall liveI will testify to loveI'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enoughWith every breath I take I will give thanks to God aboveFor as long as I shall liveI will testify to love


CHORUS (until the end):For as long as I shall liveI will testify to loveI'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enoughWith every breath I take I will give thanks to God aboveFor as long as I shall liveI will testify to love

Testify to Love

Cuando brilla el arcoirirsCuando el viento da su vozCada mano que se estiendeEn busca del comienzo de su amorCada letra en cada historiaCada rincon de la creacionCada rayo de esperanzaTestifica de tu amor

Coro: Mientras dure mi existirSoy testigo de tuamorSere testigo en el silencioSin hablar oiras mi vozCada vez al respirarDare las gracias al SeñorMientras dure mi existirSoy testigo de tu amor

De los montes a los vallesDe los rios hasta el marCada mano que se extiendeQue se extiende para dar tu pazcada acto de misericordiaCada paso hacia el cieloCada rayo de esperanzaTestifica de tu amor


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