Anna Roig i L'ombre de ton chien "Caputxeta Roig" lyrics

Translation to:en

Caputxeta Roig

Caputxeta Roig en un món de llopsAmb pressa per atrapar els somnisEs limita a passejar.

Caputxeta Roig busca un carreróO un camí que potser portiA veure-hi molt més enllà.

Caputxeta Roig sempre veu el mónCom si fullegés un conteQue el fa fàcil d'explicar.

Caputxeta Roig fa servir cançonsCom a petits sortilegisContra llops i altres espants.

I fa broma del seu conteI del que li va passantI com tothom, es preguntaSi eren correctes els camins que ha anat triant.

Caputxeta Roig en un món de llopsAmb pressa per atrapar els somnisEs limita a passejar.

Caputxeta Roig busca un carreróO un camí que potser portiA veure-hi molt més enllà.

Caputxeta Roig vol creure que el llopNo té ullals, sinó dentetes,Que fan somriures radiants.

Caputxeta Roig té por quan és foscPerò dibuixa sols i estrellesPer tot el seu decorat.

I fa broma del seu conteI del que li va passantI com tothom, es preguntaSi eren correctes els camins que ha anat triant.

I fa broma del seu conteI del que li va passantI com tothom, es preguntaSi eren correctes els camins que ha anat triant.

Caputxeta Roig porta al seu cabàsLes coses més bones i dolcesQue us pugueu imaginar.

Caputxeta Roig no us ho dirà pasPerò també l'espanten les cosesTot i continuar endavant.

Caputxeta Roig és petita i granEs posa dins del personatgeQue convingui a cada instant.

Caputxeta Roig no és tan especialPerò li agrada tornar històriesEl que passa al seu voltant.

I fa broma del seu conteI del que li va passantI com tothom, es preguntaSi eren correctes els camins que ha anat triant.

I fa broma del seu conteI del que li va passantI com tothom, es preguntaSi eren correctes els camins que ha anat triant.

Little Riding Hood Roig

Little Riding Hood Roig in a wolves' worldHurring to catch dreamsConfines herself to go for a walk.

Little Riding Hood Roig looks for an alleyOr a path that may lead toSee much further.

Little Riding Hood Roig always looks at the worldAs if she glanced over a taleWhich makes it easy to explain.

Little Riding Hood Roig uses songsAs little spellsAgainst wolves and other ghosts.

And she makes fun of her taleAnd of what happens to herAnd as everyone, asks herselfWhether the paths she chose were right or not.

Little Riding Hood Roig in a wolves' worldHurring to catch dreamsConfines herself to go for a walk.

Little Riding Hood Roig looks for an alleyOr a path that may lead toSee much further.

Little Riding Hood Roig wants to believe that the wolfDoesn't have fangs, but little teeth,That make shiny smiles.

Little Riding Hood Roig is scared when it's darkBut draws suns and starsAll around her set.

And she makes fun of her taleAnd of what happens to herAnd as everyone, asks herselfWhether the paths she chose were right or not.

And she makes fun of her taleAnd of what happens to herAnd as everyone, asks herselfWhether the paths she chose were right or not.

Little Riding Hood Roig carries in her basketThe best and sweetest thingsOne could imagine.

Little Riding Hood Roig won't tell you about itBut she is also scared by some thingsEven if she keeps moving on.

Little Riding Hood Roig is both small and bigShe puts herself into the characterThat suits each moment.

Little Riding Hood Roig is not so that specialBut she enjoys turning into storiesWhat happens around her.

And she makes fun of her taleAnd of what happens to herAnd as everyone, asks herselfWhether the paths she chose were right or not.

And she makes fun of her taleAnd of what happens to herAnd as everyone, asks herselfWhether the paths she chose were right or not.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Caputxeta Roig by Anna Roig i L'ombre de ton chien. Or Caputxeta Roig poem lyrics. Anna Roig i L'ombre de ton chien Caputxeta Roig text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Caputxeta Roig meaning.