Leonardo Favio "Ella ya me olvidó" lyrics

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Ella ya me olvidó

Ella, ella ya me olvidóYo, yo la recuerdo ahoraEra, como la primaverasu anochecido pelo, su voz no olvida el besoy junto al mar la fiebre, que m e llevo a su entrañay soñamos con hijos que nos robo la playa...

ella, ella ya me olvidóyo, yo no puedo olvidarlanooooooooyo no puedo olvidarla

ella, ella ya se olvidóde aquellas caminatasjunto a la costaneray el pibe que miraba

ella, ella ya me olvidó he heyyo, yo no puedo olvidarlanoooo, no no puedo olvidarla

ella, ella ya me olvidóyo, yo la recuerdo ahoracomo no recordarlaen cada primaverasi llega con la brisase la lleva la arena

ella, ella ya me olvidó he heyyo, yo no puedo olvidarlanooo, no no puedo olvidarlanooo, no no puedo olvidarla

She already forgot me

She, she already forgot meI, I remember her nowShe was, like the springHer hair dark as night, her voice does not forget the kissAnd next to the sea the fever, that carried me to her heartAnd we dreamed of children that stole the beach from us...

She, she already forgot meI, I can't forget hernoooooooI can't forget her

She, she already forgotThose long walksNext to the coastAnd the kid that was looking

She, she already forgot me he heyI, I can't forget hernooooo, I can't forget her

She, she already forgot meI, I remember her nowHow not to remember herEvery springIf she arrives with the breezeAnd carries off the sand

She, she already forgot me he heyI, I can't forget hernooo, I can't forget hernooo, I can't forget her

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ella ya me olvidó by Leonardo Favio. Or Ella ya me olvidó poem lyrics. Leonardo Favio Ella ya me olvidó text in English. Also can be known by title Ella ya me olvido (Leonardo Favio) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ella ya me olvido meaning.