Roberta Sá "Pelas Tabelas" lyrics

Translation to:en

Pelas Tabelas

Ando com minha cabeça já pelas tabelasClaro que ninguém se toca com a minha afliçãoQuando vi todo mundo na rua de blusa amarelaEu pensei que era ela puxando o cordão

Oito horas e danço de blusa amarelaMinha cabeça talvez faça as pazes assimQuando eu vi a cidade de noite batendo as panelasEu pensei que era ela voltando pra

Minha cabeça de noite batendo panelasProvavelmente não deixa a cidade dormirQuando vi um bocado de gente descendo as favelasEu achei que era o povo que vinha pedirA cabeça de um homem que olhava as favelas

Minha cabeça rolando no MaracanãQuando vi a galera aplaudindo de pé as tabelasEu jurei que era ela que vinha chegandoCom minha cabeça já pelas tabelasClaro que ninguém se toca com a minha afliçãoQuando vi todo mundo na rua de blusa amarelaEu pensei que era ela puxando o cordão

Oito horas e danço de blusa amarelaMinha cabeça talvez faça as pazes assimQuando eu vi a cidade de noite batendo as panelasEu pensei que era ela voltando pra

Minha cabeça de noite batendo panelasProvavelmente não deixa a cidade dormirQuando vi um bocado de gente descendo as favelasEu achei que era o povo que vinha pedirA cabeça de um homem que olhava as favelas

Minha cabeça rolando no MaracanãQuando vi a galera aplaudindo de pé as tabelasEu jurei que era ela que vinha chegandoCom minha cabeça já numa baixelaClaro que ninguém se toca com a minha afliçãoQuando vi todo mundo na rua de blusa amarelaEu pensei que era ela puxando o cordãoCom minha cabeça já pelas tabelas

Ando com minha cabeça já pelas tabelasAndo com minha cabeçaAndo com minha cabeçaAndo com minha cabeça já numa baixela

Ando com minha cabeçaAndo com minha cabeçaAndo com minha cabeça batendo panelas

Out of My Mind

I've been like I'm out of my mindOf course that no one cares about my struggleWhen I saw everybody in yellow shirts on the streetsI thought she was commanding the manifestation

Eight o'clock and I dance in a yellow shirtMaybe this will make my mind calms downWhen I saw the city banging pots and pans at nightI thought she was coming back to

My mind banging pots and pans at nightIt Probably won't let the city sleepWhen I saw people coming down from the shanty townsI thought that those people was coming to askThe head of a man that was looking at the shanty towns

My head rolling on the Maracanã soccer fieldWhen I saw people in a stantind ovation to the soccer playersI could swear she was coming withMy mind just out of controlOf course that no one cares about my struggleWhen I saw everybody in yellow shirts on the streetsI thought she was commanding the manifestation

Eight o'clock and I dance in a yellow shirtMaybe this will make my mind calms downWhen I saw the city banging pots and pans at nightI thought she was coming back to

My mind banging pots and pans at nightIt Probably won't let the city sleepWhen I saw people coming down from the shanty townsI thought that those people was coming to askThe head of a man that was looking at the shanty towns

My head rolling on the Maracanã soccer fieldWhen I saw people in a stantind ovation to the soccer playersI could swear she was coming withMy head on a platterOf course that no one cares about my struggleWhen I saw everybody in yellow shirts on the streetsI thought she was commanding the manifestation

I've been like I'm out of my mindI've been like I'm out of myI've been like I'm out of myI've been like my head was on a platter

I've been like I'm out of my mindI've been like I'm out of myI've been like I'm out of my mind banging pots and pans

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Pelas Tabelas by Roberta Sá. Or Pelas Tabelas poem lyrics. Roberta Sá Pelas Tabelas text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Pelas Tabelas meaning.