Ingrid Rosario "Enséñame oh Dios" lyrics

Translation to:en

Enséñame oh Dios

Enséñame Tus sendas, oh, Jehová,y andaré en Tu verdad, oh, Señor.

Deseo amarte con todo mi ser,sentir Tu presencia en mímás cada día (más cada día)...Enséñame...

Teach Me, O God

Teach me Your ways, O Jehovah,and I will walk in Your truth, O my Lord.

I wish to love You with all my being,to feel Your presence in memore and more every day (more and more every day)Teach me...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Enséñame oh Dios by Ingrid Rosario. Or Enséñame oh Dios poem lyrics. Ingrid Rosario Enséñame oh Dios text in English. Also can be known by title Ensename oh Dios (Ingrid Rosario) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ensename oh Dios meaning.