Radio Futura "Enamorado de la moda juvenil" lyrics

Translation to:en

Enamorado de la moda juvenil

Si tú me quisieras escucharme prestaras atenciónte diría lo que ocurrióal pasar por la Puerta del Sol.

Yo vi a la gente joven andarcorta el aire de seguridaden un momento comprendíque el futuro ya está aquí.

Y yo caí enamorado de la moda juvenilde los precios y rebajas que yo vienamorado de ti.

Sí, yo caí enamorado de la moda juvenilde los chicos, de las chicas, de los maniquísenamorado de ti.

Zapatos nuevos, son de ocasiónoh, que corbata, que pantalónvamos, quítate el cinturóny la tarde es de los dos.

Sí, yo caí enamorado de la moda juvenilde los precios y rebajas que yo vienamorado de ti.

Sí, yo caí enamorado de la moda juvenilde los chicos, de las chicas, de los maniquísenamorado de ti.

In love with the young fashion

If you want to listen to meyou pay me attentionI'd tell you what happenedwhen I passed by the Puerta del Sol.

I saw young people walkingcut the security airin a moment I understoodthat the future is here.

And I fell in love with the young fashionwith the prices and discounts that I've seenin love with you.

Yes, I fell in love with the young fashionwith the boys, the girls, the mannequinsin love with you.

New shoes, are bargainoh, what a tie, some trouserscome on, take off the beltand the evening is for us.

Yes, I fell in love with the young fashionwith the prices and discounts that I've seenin love with you.

Yes, I fell in love with the young fashionwith the boys, the girls, the mannequinsin love with you.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Enamorado de la moda juvenil by Radio Futura. Or Enamorado de la moda juvenil poem lyrics. Radio Futura Enamorado de la moda juvenil text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Enamorado de la moda juvenil meaning.