Arzu Şahin "Kömür Gözlüm" lyrics

Translation to:arenfr

Kömür Gözlüm

Gittigin Günden beri, yollarina bakarim.Sen salin gel yanima, kan gülleri takarim.Gittigin Günden beri, yollarina bakarim.Sen salin gel yanima, kan gülleri takarim.

Kömür Gözlüm, Sende Sevda Ne arar.Sirin sözlüm, Sende Vefa Ne arar.SevmiSim Yar, Yüregim ona yanar.Yüregim ona yanar.

Kapildim gidiyorum, umudum yok yarina.Bende Serini koydum, bu Askin Pazarina.Kapildim gidiyorum, umudum yok yarina.Artik Serini koydum, ben bu Askin yoluna.

Dark eyes like coal

Since the day you've left i ve been looking at the roadsYou come to me slowly, I would accessorize you with red rosesSince the day you've left i ve been looking at the roadsYou come to me slowly i would accessorize you with red roses

You eyes dark like coal, in your heart there is no loveYou have sweet talk, but no fidelityI've loved you and thus aches my heartThat is what burns my heart

i just go with the flow, have no hopes for tomorrowI put the jib on the market of lovei just go with the flow have no hopes for tomorrowI put the jib on the market of love

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Kömür Gözlüm by Arzu Şahin. Or Kömür Gözlüm poem lyrics. Arzu Şahin Kömür Gözlüm text in English. Also can be known by title Komur Gozlum (Arzu Sahin) text. This page also contains a translation, and Komur Gozlum meaning.