Rade Šerbedžija "Već sam ti pričao to" lyrics

Translation to:en

Već sam ti pričao to

Da li znaš,I ja sam nekada imao grad, ulice...Draga lica u dvorištu...Pod kestenom stol...Nekada...Prašnjava slika i cesta od sna... curice...Drugova pjesma...U duši se budi djetinjstvo...Zamisli... miriše lipa.... i ljeto je tu...Kasnije snjegovi...Pramen sam magle pod neonskim svijetlom u zimu...Pričam ti... imao sam druga ko brata ja...Sada pustinja...Čežnjiva pisma... Pacifik od tuge i sjećanja...Kažu - sudbina...Ta kurva bol ime mora imati... i razlozi...Milion priča, al' svaka vodi samo do pustoši...Pitam da li znaš...A znam da ne znaš nit' ćeš ikada shvatiti...A i zašto bi?Oprosti, to gorka tečnost iz mene gluposti govori...Nije nostalgija...To je romantično, nevino čedo, spram ovih stanja...Neću da spominjem, rat i užase,politiku, i slična sranja...Neću da ponavljam... pravda ne postoji...Ta to je jasno bar...Hoću da dopustim suzu ljubavi,Sa njom sam divan par.Kasno je, znam... curi noć...Svaka je mala vječnost za mene.Da, znam, moraš poć,O, kako nervira kad zadnji autobusi se izgube...Pitam - da li znaš i ja sam nekada imao grad, ulice...Draga lica u dvorištu... pod kestenom stol...Ah, već sam ti pričao to.

I Told You About That Already

Do you knowI too once had a city, streets...Dear faces in the backyard...A table under the chestnut...Once...Dusty image and a road made of dreams... Little girl...My friend's song...Childhood wakes up in my soul...Picture it... a linden smell... and summer is here...Later the snows...I'm a wisp of fog under the neon light in winter...I'm telling you... I had a friend, a brother to me...Now a desert....A longing song... Pacific made of sorrow and remembrance...They say - fate...That whore should be called pain... And the reasons...Million of stories, but each one leads only to wastelands...I ask do you know...And I know you don't know nor will you ever understand...And why should you?Sorry, it's the bitter liquid talking nonsense through meIt's not nostalgia...Which is a romantic, innocent infant compared to these conditions...I will not mention war and horrors,Politic and similar crap...I will not repeat... Justice does not exist...At least that much is clear...I want to let a tear of love,I make a good couple with it.It's late, I know... night is slipping put...Each one is a small eternity for me.Yes, I know, you must go,Oh, how annoying it is when last buses get lost...I ask - do you know I too once had a city, streets...Dear faces in the backyard... a table ander the chestnut...Ah, I told you about that already.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Već sam ti pričao to by Rade Šerbedžija. Or Već sam ti pričao to poem lyrics. Rade Šerbedžija Već sam ti pričao to text in English. Also can be known by title Vec sam ti pričao to (Rade Serbedzija) text. This page also contains a translation, and Vec sam ti pričao to meaning.