La Sonora Dinamita "Capullo Y Sorullo" lyrics

Translation to:en

Capullo Y Sorullo

había una vez en mi puebloun matrimoniorubio como la mantequillano puedo dar mi fe y testimonioque lo que digo no es ninguna mentirilladel matrimonio nacieron 9 hijos8 salieron rubiecitosyo lo vi a mi nadie me lo dijoque el noveno resulto ser bien negrito

el marido soporto por muchos añospero ala larga el silencio le hiso dañoy decidió confesar a su mujerasí lo hizo y ahora ustedes van a ver

oye capullo a todos los quiero igualoye capullo a todos los quiero igualtodos son angelitosy los llevo aquí en el almapero hablemos del negritosin perder la calmadime capullo es hijo mio el negritodime capullo es hijo mio el negritoy ella le contestoy ella le contestooye sorullo el negrito es el único tuyooye sorullo el negrito es el único tuyocomo va a ser

oye capullo a todos los quiero igualoye capullo a todos los quiero igualtodos son angelitosy los llevo aquí en el almapero hablemos del negritosin perder la calmadime capullo es hijo mio el negritodime capullo es hijo mio el negritoy ella le contestoy ella le contestooye sorullo el negrito es el único tuyooye sorullo el negrito es el único tuyocomo va a ser

aquí la bomba explotoel matrimonio acaboella se fue con los 8 yel con el negro cargoella se fue con los 8 yel con el negro cargo

Capullo and Sorullo

Intro:-Miss Capullo*, do you take this man as you husband?-yes, I do.-Mister Sorullo, do you take this woman as your wife?-Yes, I do.

Once upon a time in my townthere was a married couple, flaxen like butterI can assure and bear witness thatwhat I'm saying is no liefrom that marriage nine children were borneight were blondies,I saw it, nobody told me, thatthe nineth turned out to be quite black

The husband put up with it for yearsbut in the long run this became quite hurtfulland he decided to confess this to his wifeso he did, and now all of you will see what happened:

-Listen, Rose-bud I love them all the sameListen, Rose-bud I love them all the sameAll are like little angelsand I carry them here, in my bossom*but let's talk about the little black onetrying not to lose our tempertell me Rose-bud, Is the black one my son?tell me Rose-bud, Is the black one my son?

And she answered,and she answered:

-Listen Sorullo, the black one is the only one that is yourslisten Sorullo, the black one is the only one that is yours

-How is that possible!?

Here all hell broke loose*It was the end of the marriageShe left taking with her the first eightand he ended up with the black oneshe left taking with her the first eightand he ended up with the black one

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Capullo Y Sorullo by La Sonora Dinamita. Or Capullo Y Sorullo poem lyrics. La Sonora Dinamita Capullo Y Sorullo text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Capullo Y Sorullo meaning.