Leonora Jakupi "Ky është fundi" lyrics

Translation to:en

Ky është fundi

Ky është fundi...

Aleancen e ndërrove,paktin tonë e shkatërrove,unë disfatë e ti po triumfonokupove zemër tjetërmbeta histori e vjetër,jeta mjaltë e qumshtë ty po të shkon.

Humba unë e ti triumfonpreferon tjetër kapital

REF:Aleat ne kishim qenë të dy,po hyri në mes nesh superfuqi,e shkatërroi një dashuri.Aleat shumë vite një jetë,paktin tonë e shkatërrove vet, e zhduke krejt!

Protokollin ke ndryshuartjetërkund je stacionuarajo të shikon ty drejt ne syZonë e lirë paska qëlluartashmë ti je okupuarpaska pas shumë fat në dashuri!

Humba unë e ti Triumfon,preferon tjetër kapital

REF:Aleat ne kishim qenë të dy,po hyri në mes nesh superfuqi,e shkatërroi një dashuri.Aleat shumë vite një jetë,paktin tonë e shkatërrove vet, e zhduke krejt!

REF:Aleat ne kishim qenë të dy,po hyri në mes nesh superfuqi,e shkatërroi një dashuri.Aleat shumë vite një jetë,paktin tonë e shkatërrove vet, e zhduke krejt

This is the end...

This is the end...

You switched your allies,you destroyed our pact,I am defeated and you are triumphant,You occupied another heart.I remained as an old story,Your life is now all milk and honey*...

I lost and you won,you prefer another capital...

REF:We have been allies,and we had a superpower in between us,and it destroyed our love.So many years we were allies,You broke our pact yourself, you cancelled it!

You changed the protocol,You got stationed somewhere else,she looks you right in the eyes,Apparently she was a free zone,Now you are already occupied,she had a lot of luck in love!

I lost and you won,you prefer another capital...

REF:We have been allies,and we had a superpower in between us,and it destroyed our love.So many years we were allies,You broke our pact yourself, you cancelled it!

REF:We have been allies,and we had a superpower in between us,and it destroyed our love.So many years we were allies,You broke our pact yourself, you cancelled it!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ky është fundi by Leonora Jakupi. Or Ky është fundi poem lyrics. Leonora Jakupi Ky është fundi text in English. Also can be known by title Ky eshte fundi (Leonora Jakupi) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ky eshte fundi meaning.