Vali Vijelie "Aseara Te-Am Sunat" lyrics

Translation to:en

Aseara Te-Am Sunat

Aseara te-am sunat, eram prea suparat,S-aud doar vocea ta, sa-mi alin inima,Dar tu nu mi-ai raspuns, si-am adormit in plansNu te razbuna ca nu e vina mea... (bis)

Chiar daca mama ta, e impotriva mea, N-are cum sa te ia, de la inima mea,Spune-i lu' tatal tau, ca suferi si ti-e greu,Si fara mine o zi, tu nu mai poti traii... (bis)

Privesc in jurul meu, si mi-e tare greu,Cand vad ca lumea toata, vrea sa ne desparta,Dar orice ar fi, noi ne vom iubii,Si numai Dumnezeu, ne poate despartii... (bis)

Chiar daca mama ta, e impotriva mea, N-are cum sa te ia, de la inima mea,Spune-i lu' tatal tau, ca suferi si ti-e greu,Si fara mine o zi, tu nu mai poti traii... (bis)

Aseara te-am sunat, eram prea suparat,S-aud doar vocea ta, sa-mi alin inima,Dar tu nu mi-ai raspuns, si-am adormit in plansNu te razbuna ca nu e vina mea...

Privesc in jurul meu, si mi-e tare greu,Cand vad ca lumea toata, vrea sa ne desparta,Dar orice ar fi, noi ne vom iubii,Si numai Dumnezeu, ne poate despartii...

Chiar daca mama ta, e impotriva mea, N-are cum sa te ia, de la inima mea,Spune-i lu' tatal tau, ca suferi si ti-e greu,Si fara mine o zi, tu nu mai poti traii... (bis)

Last night I called you

Last night I called you, I was too upsetTo hear only your voice, to ease my heartBut you didn't answer, and I fall asleep cryingDon't revenge because it's not my fault

Even though your mom, she's against me, she can't take you from my heartTell your father, that you're suffering and it's hard for youAnd you can't live another day without me

I look around me and it's so hardWhen I see that everybody wants to tear us apartBut whatever will happen, we will love each otherAnd only God, can tear us apart

Even though your mom, she's against me, she can't take you from my heartTell your father, that you're suffering and it's hard for youAnd you can't live another day without me

Last night I called you, I was too upsetTo hear only your voice, to ease my heartBut you didn't answer, and I fall asleep cryingDon't revenge because it's not my fault

I look around me and it's so hardWhen I see that everybody wants to tear us apartBut whatever will happen, we will love each otherAnd only God, can tear us apart

Even though your mom, she's against me, she can't take you from my heartTell your father, that you're suffering and it's hard for youAnd you can't live another day without me

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Aseara Te-Am Sunat by Vali Vijelie. Or Aseara Te-Am Sunat poem lyrics. Vali Vijelie Aseara Te-Am Sunat text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Aseara Te-Am Sunat meaning.