Rosario Flores "Soy rebelde" lyrics

Translation to:en

Soy rebelde

Yo soy rebeldeporque el mundo me ha hecho asíporque nadie me ha tratado con amor,porque nadie me ha querido nunca oir.

Ay, yo soy rebeldeporque siempre sin razónme negaron todo aquello que pedíy me dieron solamente incomprensión.

Y quisera ser como el niño aquel,como el hombre aquel que es feliz.Y quisiera dar lo que hay en mitodo a cambio de una amistad.

Y soñar, y viviry olvidar el rencory cantar, y reiry sentir sólo amor.

Yo soy rebeldeporque el mundo me ha hecho asíporque nadie me ha tratado con amor,porque nadie me ha querido nunca oir.

Y quisera ser como el niño aquel,como el hombre aquel que es feliz.Y quisiera dar lo que hay en mitodo a cambio de una amistad.

Y soñar, y viviry olvidar el rencory cantar, y reiry sentir sólo amor.

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ayAy, ay, ay, ay, ay ay,Sólo amor

I'm a Rebel

I'm a rebelbecause the world made me that waybecause no one ever treated me with lovebecause no one ever wanted to listen to me

I'm a rebelbecause always without reasonI was denied everything I asked forand was only given incomprehension

And I'd like to be like the boylike the man that is happyAnd I'd like to give everything in meeverything in exchange for a friendship

And to dream, and to liveand to forget the grudgeand to sing, and to laughand to just feel love

I'm a rebelbecause the world made me that waybecause no one ever treated me with lovebecause no one ever wanted to listen to me

And I'd like to be like the boylike the man that is happyAnd I'd like to give everything in meeverything in exchange for a friendship

And to dream, and to liveand to forget the grudgeand to sing, and to laughand to just feel love

Just love

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Soy rebelde by Rosario Flores. Or Soy rebelde poem lyrics. Rosario Flores Soy rebelde text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Soy rebelde meaning.