Rosario Flores "Sabor sabor" lyrics

Translation to:en

Sabor sabor

Oh, sabor sabor... a fresa y a limóna mermelada de miel de abejas sabes hoy.

Sabor sabor, de rojo melocotónsabe tu piel cuando te beso, sin saberque hablo de mis dulces sueñosque reparto en cada parte de tu cuerpo.Eh, eh, sin saber que es una trampa con cepocada rincón, cada línea es un verso.

Oh, sabor sabor, a la canela en flor,a fresca hierbabuena sabes hoy.No me digas que no,que soy como la fuerte hiedray crezco, y trepo por las piedras, sin saberque más me enredo en tus locos besosque me llevan a flotar al universo.

Eh, eh, elexir de gotas de un almendroque florece a cada paso del invierno.Sin saber que es una trampa con cepocada rincón, cada línea es un verso.

A Taste, A Taste Of...

Oh, a taste, a taste of.... strawberry and lemonyou taste like raw honey marmalade today.

A taste, a taste of red peach'sthe taste of your skin when I kiss you, without knowingthat I talk of my sweet dreamswhich I distribute on each part of your body.Eh, eh, without knowing that it is a snare trapeach corner, each line is a poem.

Oh, a taste, a taste of cinnamon blossom,you taste like fresh spearmint today.Don't tell me no,because I am like strong ivyand I grow, and I climb through the stones, without knowingthat I grow more entangled in your crazy kisseswhich make me float through the universe.

Eh, eh, drops of elixir from an almond-treethat blossoms at every step of the winter.Without knowing that it is a snare trapeach corner, each line is a poem.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Sabor sabor by Rosario Flores. Or Sabor sabor poem lyrics. Rosario Flores Sabor sabor text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Sabor sabor meaning.