Roberto Alagna "A lu mircatu" lyrics

Translation to:enitro

A lu mircatu

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari un puddicinucicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari na iaddinacacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari nu iaduzzucucurucù fa lu jaduzzucacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari nu puccidduzzucrù crù fa u pucciduzzucucurucù fa lu jaduzzucacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari na chitarraarra arra fa a chitarracrù crù fa u pucciduzzucucurucù fa lu jaduzzucacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari na trummettaetta etta fa a trummettaarra arra fa a chitarracrù crù fa u pucciduzzucucurucù fa lu jaduzzucacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari nu tamburedduieddu ieddu u tamburedduetta etta fa a trummettaarra arra fa a chitarracrù crù fa u pucciduzzucucurucù fa lu jaduzzucacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !

A jutu a lu mircatu pa ccattari n'aciduzzufiii fa l'aceduzzuieddu ieddu u tamburedduetta etta fa a trummettaarra arra fa a chitarracrù crù fa u pucciduzzucucurucù fa lu jaduzzucacaracà fa la jaddina,cicirici fa u puddicinu,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì,e u puddicinu fa ciciricisempi lu chiamu e nun voli vinì !...

To The Market

I went to the market to buy a chickchee-chee-ree-chee goes the chickand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a chickenka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes theand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a cockerelkoo-koo-roo-koo goes the cockerelka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes theand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a little pigkroo-kroo goes the little pigkoo-koo-roo-koo goes the cockerelka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes theand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a guitararra arra goes the guitarkroo-kroo goes the little pigkoo-koo-roo-koo goes the cockerelka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes theand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a trumpetetta etta goes the trumpetarra arra goes the guitarkroo-kroo goes the little pigkoo-koo-roo-koo goes the cockerelka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes theand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a tambourineyedoo yedoo goes the tambourineetta etta goes the trumpetarra arra goes the guitarkroo-kroo goes the little pigkoo-koo-roo-koo goes the cockerelka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes the chickand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

I went to the market to buy a whistlefee goes the whistleyedoo yedoo goes the tambourineetta etta goes the trumpetarra arra goes the guitarkroo-kroo goes the little pigkoo-koo-roo-koo goes the cockerelka-ka-ra-ka goes the chickenchee-chee-ree-chee goes the chickand a chick goes chee-chee-ree-cheeYou always call him and he doesn't want to come

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song A lu mircatu by Roberto Alagna. Or A lu mircatu poem lyrics. Roberto Alagna A lu mircatu text in English. This page also contains a translation, and A lu mircatu meaning.