Active Child "I'm In Your Church At Night" lyrics

Translation to:frto

I'm In Your Church At Night

Climb the fence and in thru the side door,Past the sarcophagi, layed down on the dirt floorThere we were holding handsSinging through the hole in the ceilingInto the heavens

I'm in your church at nightSinging hallelujah at the top of my lungs

No one spoke as our voices roseStars were shining and so were our soulsBut now it's just a memory burnt in my brainThe power that we felt that night will never be explained

I'm in your church at nightSinging hallelujah at the top of my lungs

'Oku Ou 'I Loto Ho'o Lotu 'I He Po

Kaka he a 'o hu ki loto 'i he matapa tafa'akiLaka mu'a he faitoka 'a ia 'oku tuku 'i lalo he kelekeleNaa mau puke nima 'i aiHiva ki he luo 'i he 'aofi faleKi he langi.

'Oku ou 'i loto ho'o lotu 'i he poHiva 'aleluia 'o longoa'a 'aupito mei 'eku maamaa.

Hala ha lea lolotonga he hiki hake 'o homau le'oNa'e ngingila he fetu'u mo homau laumalieKa ko e loto manatu pe taimi ni, 'a ia 'oku tutu 'i loto 'eku 'utoKo e malohi naa mau ongo'i 'i he po ko ia 'e 'ikai ke fakamatala ia.

'Oku ou 'i loto ho'o lotu 'i he poHiva 'aleluia 'o longoa'a 'aupito mei 'eku maamaa.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song I'm In Your Church At Night by Active Child. Or I'm In Your Church At Night poem lyrics. Active Child I'm In Your Church At Night text. Also can be known by title Im In Your Church At Night (Active Child) text.