Iris "Erata" lyrics

Translation to:en


Cine oare , cine poate, cine stieSa mai fie sincer azi?Cum e oare cand te doareSa fii ajutat sa cazi?

E pe bani, e pe bani,Hai nu te mintiToate costa, nu stiai?E pe bani, e pe bani,Nu iti mai revii,Doar nopti albe o sa ai.

Cazand vei intrebaUnde oare-i viata ta ?Noi traim visul bun,Intr-o lume de greseli,Un copil s-a mai nascut,O iubire s-a pierdut

Cine moare, cine-i tare, cine areTimp sa fie bun?Sa renasca , sa iubeascaSa urmeze un alt drum?

E pe bani, e pe bani,Hai nu te minti,Toate costa, nu stiai?E pe bani, e pe baniNu iti mai reviiDoar nopti albe o sa ai.

Cazand vei intrebaUnde oare-i viata ta ?Noi traim visul bun,Intr-o lume de greseli,Un copil s-a mai nascut,O iubire s-a pierdutNoi avem gandul bunIntr-o lume de dureri,Un copil s-a mai nascut,O iubire s-a pierdut

Noi traim...intr-o lume de greseliNoi traim...intr-o lume de dureriNoi traim...un copil s-a aratatNoi traim...o iubire s-a uitat.


Who really, who's able, who knowsTo be honest nowadays?How's it like, when it hurts,To be betrayed?

It's all about money, it's all about money,Don't kid yourselfEverything has its price, didn't you know?It's all about money, it's all about money,You can't recover,Sleepless nights are all you'll have.

Falling, you'll askWhere's your life?We're living the good dream,In a world of mistakesAnother child is born,A love is lost

Who's dying, who's the boss, who hasTime to be humane?To be reborn, to love,To follow another path?

It's all about money, it's all about money,Don't kid yourselfEverything has its price, didn't you know?It's all about money, it's all about money,You can't recover,Sleepless nights are all you'll have.

Falling, you'll askWhere's your life?We're living the good dream,In a world of mistakesAnother child is born,A love is lostWe have the good thought,In a world of painsAnother child is born,A love is lost

We live... in a world of mistakesWe live... in a world of painsWe live... a child has aroseWe live... a love was forgotten

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Erata by Iris. Or Erata poem lyrics. Iris Erata text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Erata meaning.