Redd "Bak Keyfine" lyrics

Translation to:en

Bak Keyfine

Bulanık suda yüzen balık mısın, ne arıyorsun farkında mısınHer gördüğüne aşık mısınSen böyle istiyorsan böyle mutluysan...

Gündüz boş boş bakıyor musun gece yanıp sönen neon musunHer gördüğünü öpüyor musunSen böyle istiyorsan böyle mutluysanBak keyfine sen de

Eskiden hayat daha yavaştı, tansiyonu arttı fenalaştıEskiden her işin aslı vardıSen böyle istiyorsan böyle mutluysanBak keyfine sen de

Farklarımız çalındı herkes birbirinin aynıOltaya yem takıldı, yutan kendini kopya yaptı

Sen böyle istiyorsan böyle mutluysanBak keyfine sen de

Take It Easy

Are you the fish that is swimming in blurry water?Are you aware of what you are looking for?Are you in love with everyone that you see?If you want it in this way, if you are happy in this way...

Are you staring at nothing in the morning, or a neon blinking in the night?Are you kissing everyone you see?If you want it in this way, if you are happy in this way,Take it easy.

Once life was slower; tension got higher, and deteriorated now.The real mccoy was once everywhereIf you want it in this way, if you are happy in this way,Take it easy.

Our differences has been stolen now, people are just now two of a kindThe bait has been sticked around the rod and the ones swollen it have only copied themselvesIf you want it in this way, if you are happy in this way,Take it easy

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Bak Keyfine by Redd. Or Bak Keyfine poem lyrics. Redd Bak Keyfine text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Bak Keyfine meaning.