Sinan Vllasaliu "Tragjedi" lyrics

Translation to:en


Sa mengjese me ty zemer i kam zbardh,me nje thirrje un te kam ardh,ideale ishte midis nesh gjithqka,qka u ba pse jemi ndaaa,

Ref: 2xTragjedia shpirtin tim e ka kaplu,nostaligjia syt e mi i ka zbukuru,jetoj me t'kalumen qe nuk kthehet ma,kur me pysin shoket u them nuk kam asgje.

Ato qaste qe kaluam i kujtoj,me asgje nuk mund ti zevendsoj,rrotullohet qdo gje ne drejtimin tend,me besoni e kam shum rand.

Ref: 5xTragjedia shpirtin tim e ka kaplu,nostaligjia syt e mi i ka zbukuru,jetoj me t'kalumen qe nuk kthehet ma,kur me pysin shoket u them nuk kam asgje.


How many mornings with you love have I brightenedWith a call I came to you,Everything is ideal between us.What happened why did we separate,

Ref: 2xTragedy it has overwhelmed my soul,Nostalgia it has decorated my eyes,I live with the past that will never return,When my friends ask I tell them that I'm okay.

I remember that chance that we passed,I can't replace them with nothing,Everything spirals in your direction,Believe me I have it hard.

Ref: 5xTragedy it has overwhelmed my soul,Nostalgia it has decorated my eyes,I live with the past that will never return,When my friends ask I tell them that I'm okay.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Tragjedi by Sinan Vllasaliu. Or Tragjedi poem lyrics. Sinan Vllasaliu Tragjedi text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Tragjedi meaning.