Maldita Nerea "Lo que tú prefieres" lyrics

Translation to:ensv

Lo que tú prefieres

Fueron los besos que no he dadoFue el silencio que encontréY el que te pedí prestadoLos que vinieron del pasadoA enredarme en el papelQue ahora tengo en estas manos a ver...

Tal vez al tirar de cafá(Me lo piense mejor)Y te pueda explicar por quéTodo mi mundo ha cambiado a ver...

Tal vez un segundo despuesLo que vaya a escribir ya se me haya olvidado¡Y qué!Sé que estás al otro lado

Y entonces suena una canciónY todo se detiene¿Cómo vas a decir que no?A lo que tú prefieresY prometo olvidar lo que oculto detrásDe mis ganas inmensas de verteSin poderlo evitar al final se sabrá

Porque yo ya no puedo esonder que...No es que en verdade no me importaraEs que no podía verDe tanto que me acercabaA aquellos ojos que me hablabanY que no supe entenderDe tanto que me miraran

Ya está, a tirar de cafá, me lo pienso mejorY te pueda explicar por quéEn cuanto sena una canciónMi mundo se detiene

Cómo voy a decir que noA lo que tú prefieresY prometo olvidarLo que oculto detrásDe mis ganas inmensas de verteSin poderlo evitar al final lo sabrás

Porque yo ya no quiero esconderme

Una historia increíble, el tesoro encontradoEs la que llega y se sienta a mi lado a decirme «te quiero»Y me suena genialEs el hada que sabe que puedes hacerloEl abrazo que viene hacia ti por quererloEl mañana diciendo: «Me quiero quedar.»

En cuanto suena una canciónMi mundo se detieneComo voy a decir que noA lo que tú prefieres

What You Prefer

They were the kisses I didn't giveIt was the silence that I foundAnd which I asked to borrow from youThose that came from the pastTo wrap me up in paperThat now I have in these hands, Lets see

Perhaps on throwing the coffee(I thought better of it)And I can explain to you whyMy whole world has changed, Lets see

Perhaps a second after,I have already forgotten what I was going to writeAnd what!I know that you are on the other side

And then a song starts playingAnd everything stopsHow are you going to say no?To what you preferAnd I promise to forget what I'm hiding behindMy huge desires to see youWithout being able to avoid it, in the end it will be known

Because I now I can't hide that...Its not that it truly matters to meIts that I couldn't see,Because I got too closeTo those eyes that talked to meAnd that I didn't know how to understandWhen they looked at me so much.

Thats it, on throwing the coffee I thought better of itAnd I can explain to you whyAs soon as a song starts playingMy world stops

How am I going to say noTo what you prefer?And I promise to forgetWhat I hide behindMy huge desires to see youWithout being able to avoid it, in the end you will know it

Because I don't want to hide myself now.

An incredible story, the found tresureIt that which arrives and sits beside me to say "I love you"And it sounds great to meIts the fairy that know that you can do itThe hug that comes towards you because you want itThe morning saying "I want to stay"

As soon as a song starts playingMy world stopsHow am I going to say noTo what you prefer?

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Lo que tú prefieres by Maldita Nerea. Or Lo que tú prefieres poem lyrics. Maldita Nerea Lo que tú prefieres text in English. Also can be known by title Lo que tu prefieres (Maldita Nerea) text. This page also contains a translation, and Lo que tu prefieres meaning.