Petek Dinçöz "İstanbul Geceleri" lyrics

Translation to:enes

İstanbul Geceleri

Darlaniyorum of daraliyorumnefesi bile zor aliyorumdusmusuz dunyanin turlu derdine, derdinegecim derdine omrumu paraliyorum

Duvarlari yikmak lazimdisariya cikmak lazimne var ne yok bakmak lazimhadi bakalim

Gecelere gecelere,gecelere akalim

Çikar at acilarigiy hadi cicileriHerseyi unutururistanbul geceleri

İstanbul nights

I'm gettin bored, oh, being distressedI'm even breathing hardWe have rolled in various troubles of the world, in various troublesFor the struggle to make some money, I'm wasting my life

It's necessary to break down the wallsIt's necessary to go outsideIt's necessary to look what's happening around usLet's go

To the nights to the nightsLet's fall into the nights

Hold off the painsGo and wear beautiful clothesİstanbul nightsmake you forget everything

Translation: Lastrigon

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song İstanbul Geceleri by Petek Dinçöz. Or İstanbul Geceleri poem lyrics. Petek Dinçöz İstanbul Geceleri text in English. Also can be known by title Istanbul Geceleri (Petek Dincoz) text. This page also contains a translation, and Istanbul Geceleri meaning.