Ana Bekuta "Tu sam ruku da ti pruzim" lyrics

Translation to:en

Tu sam ruku da ti pruzim

Kad ti ledja okrenukad ti nade potonuTi ne brini, ja sam tuda ti pruzim utehu

REF. 2xTu sam ruku da ti pruzimtu sam s tobom da se druzimda ti miran vratim santu sam sebe da ti dam

Kad ti snovi nestanukad ti ceznje ostanuTi ne brini, ja sam tuda ti pruzim utehu

REF. 2xTu sam ruku da ti pruzimtu sam s tobom da se druzimda ti miran vratim santu sam sebe da ti dam

Kad te tuge obuzmukad ti srecu oduzmuTi ne brini, ja sam tuda ti pruzim utehu

I am here to hold your hand

When they turn the backs on youwhen all your hopes fail*Don't you worry, I'll be thereto comfort you.

REF. 2xI am here to hold your handI am here to keep you companyto restore your peaceful dreamsI am here to give myself to you.

When your dreams disappearWhen you are left with longingDon't you worry, I'll be thereto comfort you.

REF. 2xI am here to hold your handI am here to keep you companyto restore your peaceful dreamsI am here to give myself to you.

When sorrow overwhelms youWhen they take your happiness awayDon't you worry, I'll be thereto comfort you.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Tu sam ruku da ti pruzim by Ana Bekuta. Or Tu sam ruku da ti pruzim poem lyrics. Ana Bekuta Tu sam ruku da ti pruzim text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Tu sam ruku da ti pruzim meaning.