Antti Tuisku "En kommentoi" lyrics

Translation to:enfrsv

En kommentoi

En kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoiEn kommentoi

Tosi-TVEn kommentoiPsykoterapiaEn kommentoiJuhannusEn kommentoiOopperaEn kommentoiOrgasmiEn kommentoiHemohesEn kommentoiSiniristiEn kommentoiIkeaEn kommentoiHipsteriEn kommentoiPoliisiEn kommentoiPerisyntiEn kommentoiKoraaniEn kommentoi

Big Mac, Jeesus, armeija, hyvä kaveriEn kommentoiLaihduta! Ootko sä raskaana?Homo heteroEn kommentoiMeitsie, teitsie vessassa, saletistiEn kommentoiKato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?

Täytyy olla mielipideEi saa olla passiivinenMeitsie, teitsie vessassa, saletistiEn kommentoiKato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?En kommentoi

EhkäisyEn kommentoiEsileikkiEn kommentoiEvoluutioEn kommentoiEspoo...Timo SoiniEn kommentoiSiltsu bitchEn kommentoiSuperfoodEn kommentoiMannerheimEn kommentoi

Big Mac, Jeesus, armeija, hyvä kaveriEn kommentoiLaihduta! Ootko sä raskaana?Homo heteroEn kommentoiMeitsie, teitsie vessassa, saletistiEn kommentoiKato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?

Täytyy olla mielipideEi saa olla passiivinenMeitsie, teitsie vessassa, saletistiEn kommentoiKato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?En kommentoi

Täytyy olla mielipideEi saa olla passiivinenTäytyy olla mielipideEi saa olla passiivinen

(Suomi Suomi Suomi)En kommentoi

Big Mac, Jeesus, armeija, hyvä kaveriLaihduta! Ootko sä raskaana?Homo heteroEn kommentoiMeitsie, teitsie vessassa, saletistiEn kommentoiKato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?

Täytyy olla mielipideEi saa olla passiivinenMeitsie, teitsie vessassa, saletistiEn kommentoiKato tota mimmii nurkassa, panisitko?En kommentoi

No Comments

No commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo commentsNo comments

Reality TVNo commentsPsychotherapyNo commentsA Midsummer DayNo commentsOperaNo commentsOrgasmNo commentsHemohesNo commentsA blue crossNo commentsIkeaNo commentsA hipsterNo commentsThe policeNo commentsThe original sinNo commentsQuranNo comments

Big Mac, Jesus, an army, a good friendNo commentsLose weight! Are you pregnant?Gay straightNo commentsSelfie, did you do it in the bathroom, I know you didNo commentsLook at that chick, would you fuck her?

Must have an opinionCan't be passiveSelfie, did you do it in the bathroom, I know you didNo commentsLook at that chick, would you fuck her?No comments

Birth controlNo commentsForeplayNo commentsEvolutionNo commentsNo commentsEspoo...Timo SoiniNo commentsSiltsu* bitchNo commentsSuperfoodNo commentsMannerheimNo comments

Big Mac, Jesus, an army, a good friendNo commentsLose weight! Are you pregnant?Gay straightNo commentsSelfie, did you do it in the bathroom, I know you didNo commentsLook at that chick, would you fuck her?

Must have an opinionCan't be passiveSelfie, did you do it in the bathroom, I know you didNo commentsLook at that chick, would you fuck her?No comments

Must have an opinionCan't be passiveMust have an opinionCan't be passive

(Finland Finland Finland)No comments

Big Mac, Jesus, an army, a good friendLose weight! Are you pregnant?Gay straightNo commentsSelfie, did you do it in the bathroom, I know you didNo commentsLook at that chick, would you fuck her?

Must have an opinionCan't be passiveSelfie, did you do it in the bathroom, I know you didNo commentsLook at that chick, would you fuck her?No comments

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song En kommentoi by Antti Tuisku. Or En kommentoi poem lyrics. Antti Tuisku En kommentoi text in English. This page also contains a translation, and En kommentoi meaning.