长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山天之涯 地之角知交半零落一觚浊酒尽余欢今宵别梦寒x2
天之涯 地之角知交半零落一觚浊酒尽余欢今宵别梦寒长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山
长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山天之涯 地之角知交半零落一觚浊酒尽余欢今宵别梦寒x2
天之涯 地之角知交半零落一觚浊酒尽余欢今宵别梦寒长亭外 古道边芳草碧连天晚风拂柳笛声残夕阳山外山
Beside the ancient path by the farewell pavilion,the bluish green of beautiful grasses stretches far into the sky.Evening breezes sweep willow branches, broken tunes from a bamboo flute,sunset behind the silhouette of mountains.At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth,my friends are half scattered there.A ladle of unstrained wine ends the rest of my merriment,after tonight's parting I wait for a chilly dream.x2
At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth,my friends are half scattered there.A ladle of unstrained wine ends the rest of my merriment,after tonight's parting I wait for a chilly dream.Beside the ancient path by the farewell pavilion,the bluish green of beautiful grasses stretches far into the sky.Evening breezes sweep willow branches, broken tunes from a bamboo flute,sunset behind the silhouette of mountains.