Paloma Faith "When You're Gone" lyrics

Translation to:sr

When You're Gone

When I'm with you my heart sings of a joyAnd everything washes over me and cleans me 'til I'm shiningFor your touch there are no wordsI fly with high hopes in the birdsAnd I know there's nothing better 'cause I'm smiling

Everyone I've ever loved has left me lonelyEvery time I let it go I'm high and dryEvery time I think I'm one and onlyI find myself alone not knowing why

All the mystery and the magicYou light up what once was tragicAnd I know that I will miss you when you're goneI could never have imaginedAll the heavens pour with passionBut I know that I will miss you when you're gone

You tell me that you are differentI'll be saved and I'll be liftedIt's not easy but I'm trying to believe youAll the angels lost their halosI have no choice but to let goThere are times when I feel paper thin and see-through

Everyone I've ever loved has left me lonelyEvery time I let it go I'm high and dryEvery time I think I'm one and onlyI find myself alone not knowing why

All the mystery and the magicYou light up what once was tragicAnd I know that I will miss you when you're goneI could never have imaginedAll the heavens pour with passionBut I know that I will miss you when you're gone

When you're gone [x2]You're gone

Everyone I've ever loved has left me lonelyEvery time I let it go I'm high and dry

All the mystery and the magicYou light up what once was tragicAnd I know that I will miss you when you're goneI could never have imaginedAll the heavens pour with passionBut I know that I will miss you when you're gone

When you're gone [x2]You're gone

When I'm with you my heart sings of a joyAnd everything..And I know that I will miss you when you're gone.

Kada odeš

Kada sam sa tobom moje srce peva o radostiI sve me preplavi i očisti dok sijamNema reči da se opiše tvoj dodirLetim sa velikim nadama u pticeI znam da ne postoji ništa bolje jer sam nasmejana

Svako koga sam ikad volela me je ostavio samuSvaki put kada popustim ja sam na cediluSvaki put kada pomislim da sam jedinaOstanem sama iz nepoznatih razloga

Svu misteriju i magijuOsvetliš i ono što je nekad bila tragičnoI znam da ćeš mi nedosajati kada odešNe mogu ni da zamislimSva nebesa prepuna strašćuAli znam da ćeš mi nedostajati kada odeš

Kažeš da si drugačijiI da ću biti sigurna i uzdignutaNije lako ali trudim se da ti poverujemSvi su anđeli izgubili svoje oreoleNemam izbora sem da se prepustimPonekad se osećam kao tanak i providan papir

Svako koga sam ikad volela me je ostavio samuSvaki put kada popustim ja sam na cediluSvaki put kada pomislim da sam jedinaOstanem sama iz nepoznatih razloga

Svu misteriju i magijuOsvetliš i ono što je nekad bila tragičnoI znam da ćeš mi nedosajati kada odešNe mogu ni da zamislimSva nebesa prepuna strašćuAli znam da ćeš mi nedostajati kada odeš

Kada odeš [x2]Odeš

Svako koga sam ikad volela me je ostavio samuSvaki put kada popustim ja sam na cedilu

Svu misteriju i magijuOsvetliš i ono što je nekad bila tragičnoI znam da ćeš mi nedosajati kada odešNe mogu ni da zamislimSva nebesa prepuna strašćuAli znam da ćeš mi nedostajati kada odeš

Kada odeš [x2]Odeš

Kada sam sa tobom moje srce peva o radostiI sve...I znam da ćeš mi nedostajati kada odeš

Here one can find the lyrics of the song When You're Gone by Paloma Faith. Or When You're Gone poem lyrics. Paloma Faith When You're Gone text. Also can be known by title When Youre Gone (Paloma Faith) text.