Jelena Karleuša "Jos te volim" lyrics

Translation to:en

Jos te volim

Prvi doktor kaze tihoto je depresijadrugi kazedobra riba, kakva ironija

Treci kaze nista strasnosamo obican stresne dam da mi kopaju po glavito je moj bes

Pospana, pospana, pospana, pospanaranjena, ranjena, ranjena, ranjenaa nigde krvinisam luda, jos te volim

Ref. 2xJos te volim, i volim, i volima ne daju mivreme posete bice jos dugood jedan do tri

Pospana, pospana, pospanaranjena, ranjena, ranjenajos te volim


I still love you

The first doctor quietly saysIt's depressionThe other saysHot chick, what an irony

The third one says nothing terribleJust regular stressI won't let anyone mess with my brainIt's my rage

I'm sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, sleepyI'm wounded, wounded, wounded, woundedBut there isn't any bloodI'm not crazy, I still love you

Ref.I still love you, and love you, and love youBut they won't let meThe visiting hours will beFrom one to three o'clock

I'm sleepy, sleepy, sleepyI'm wounded, wounded, woundedI still love you

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Jos te volim by Jelena Karleuša. Or Jos te volim poem lyrics. Jelena Karleuša Jos te volim text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Jos te volim meaning.