Simon and Garfunkel "A most peculiar man" lyrics

Translation to:defrrusrtr

A most peculiar man

He was a most peculiar man.That's what Mrs. Riordan said and she should know;She lived upstairs from himShe said he was a most peculiar man.

He was a most peculiar man.He lived all alone within a house,Within a room, within himself,A most peculiar man.

He had no friends, he seldom spokeAnd no one in turn ever spoke to him,'Cause he wasn't friendly and he didn't careAnd he wasn't like them.Oh, no! he was a most peculiar man.

He died last Saturday.He turned on the gas and he went to sleepWith the windows closed so he'd never wake upTo his silent world and his tiny room;And Mrs. Riordan says he has a brother somewhereWho should be notified soon.And all the people said, "What a shame that he's dead,But wasn't he a most peculiar man?"

Najčudniji čovek

On je bio najčudniji čovekTo reče gospođica Riordam, a ona bi to trebala da zna;Živela je iznad njegaRekla je da je bio najčudniji čovek

On je bio najčudniji čovekŽiveo je sasvim sam u kućiU sobi, u sebiNajčudniji čovek

Nije imao prijatelje, retko kad je pričaoI niko zauzvrat nije pričao sa njimJer nije bio društven i nije marioI nije bio kao oni.Oh, ne! On je bio najčudniji čovek

Umro je prošle suboteUključio je plin i otišao da spavaZatvorenih prozora, zato se nikada nije probudioU svoj tihi svet i svoju malenu sobu;I gospođica Riordan reče da je negde imao brataKoji uskoro treba biti obaveštenI svi ljudi su rekla "Kakva sramota što je mrtav,Ali zar ne beše najčudniji čovek?"

Here one can find the lyrics of the song A most peculiar man by Simon and Garfunkel. Or A most peculiar man poem lyrics. Simon and Garfunkel A most peculiar man text.