Whitesnake "Woman trouble blues" lyrics

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Woman trouble blues

The womans name was trouble,She put the blame on meI asked her what her game was,She said "misery"I didn't ask no questions,I did not even prayWhen the angel on my shoulderSaid I should walk away

You promised me heaven,But, you gave me hell,Cut me down to the boneWith your kiss and tellNobody listens to a word I say,Still I'm gonna curse you, woman,'til my dying day

I should have known betterWith a girl like youYou shame the devilWith the things you doI was blind, now I seeA lying woman be the death of me

I got woman trouble blues,Woman trouble blues

You told me it was meant to be,But, all you did was put the hurt on meYou made my life a living hell,And drowned my dreams in the wishing well

I've got woman trouble blues,Woman trouble blues

There ain't no doubt I'm going down

The womans name was trouble,She put the blame on me,I gave her what she wantedAnd I got miseryNow I don't take much persuading,At times I'm easily led,I'm gonna find myself in a prison cellThro' the lying things she said

I'll stand accused on judgement day,And pray the lord hears what I sayAll my life I never learned,I played with fire and I got burned

Woman trouble blues,I got woman trouble bluesWoman trouble blues,Mean ol' woman trouble blues

Bluz problematične žene

Ženino ime je bilo nevolja,Okrivila je menePitao sam je koja je bila njena igra,Rekla je "patnja"Više nisam postavljao pitanja,Nisam se čak ni molioKada je andjeo sa mog ramenaRekao da treba da odem

Obećala si mi raj,Ali dala si mi pakao,Sečeš me do kostijuSa svojim poljubi pa ostaviNiko ne sluša ni jednu reč koju govorim,Ipak ću te proklinjati,ženo,dok ne umrem

Trebalo je da znam boljeSa devojkom kao tiTi sramotiš djavolaSa stvarima koje radišBio sam slep,ali sada vidimLažljiva žena doći će mi glave

Pevam bluz o problematičnoj ženi,Bluz problematične žene

Nema sumnje ja propadam

Ženino ime je bilo nevolja,Okrivila je mene,Dao sam joj sve što je želelaI dobio sam bolSada me ne treba puno ubedjivati,Vreme će pokazati svoje,Naći ću se u zatvorskoj ćelijiKroz lažne stvari koje je rekla

Stajaću optužen u sudnjem danu,I moliću boga da me čujeZa ceo svoj život nikada nisam naučio,Igrao sam se sa vatrom i opekao se

Bluz problematične žene,Pevam bluz o problematičnoj ženiBluz problematične žene,Dobre stare zlobne problematične žene

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Woman trouble blues by Whitesnake. Or Woman trouble blues poem lyrics. Whitesnake Woman trouble blues text.