Radiohead "Pyramid Song" lyrics

Translation to:elfafrhritsrtr

Pyramid Song

I jumped in the river and what did I see?Black eyed angels swam with meA moon full of stars and astral carsAnd all the things I used to seeAll my lovers were there with meAll my past and futuresAnd we all went to heaven in a little row boatThere was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

I jumped into the riverBlack eyed angels swam with meA moon full of stars and astral carsAnd all the things I used to seeAll my lovers were there with meAll my past and futuresAnd we all went to heaven in a little row boatThere was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

Piramida Pjesma

Skočio sam u rijeku i što sam vidio?Anđeli crnih očiju plivali su sa mnomMjesec pun zvijezda i astralnih autaI sve stvari koje sam gledaoSvi moji ljubitelji su bili tamo sa mnomSva moja prošlost i budućnostI svi smo otišli na nebo u malenoj lađiNije bilo ničega za strah i ničega za sumnju

Skočio sam u rijeku i što sam vidio?Anđeli crnih očiju plivali su sa mnomMjesec pun zvijezda i astralnih autaSve stvari koje sam gledaoSvi moji ljubitelji su bili tamo sa mnomSva moja prošlost i budućnostI svi smo otišli na nebo u malenoj lađiNije bilo ničega za strah i ničega za sumnju

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Pyramid Song by Radiohead. Or Pyramid Song poem lyrics. Radiohead Pyramid Song text.