Eluveitie "Origins" lyrics

Translation to:ro


He who has ears to hear, let him hearFor this is a tale of an ancient kindIn the word there lies existenceAnd the word became fleshAnd dwelt among us and we saw its gloryLet him hear it who will

Every soul heardSome ran and hid awaySome listenedSome laughedMost just stood thereMotionlessSilentAnd forgetting


Cei care au urechi sa auda, lasa-i sa audaPentru ei este o poveste despre un neam stravechiIn lume, aici se gaseste viata si cuvantul devine carneSi au locuit printre noi si le-am vazut gloriaLasa-i sa auda ceea ce ei doresc.

Fiecare suflet a auzitUnii au fugit si s-au adapostit departeUnii au ascultatUnii au rasMulti au ramas acoloNeclintitiTacutiSi dati uitarii

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Origins by Eluveitie. Or Origins poem lyrics. Eluveitie Origins text.