Pagan Songs and Chants "Earth My Body (alt)" lyrics

Translation to:defrto

Earth My Body (alt)

Earth, Earth, Earth my bodyWater, Water, Water my bloodAir, Air, Air my breathAnd Fire, Fire, Fire my spirit.

Mamani, Ko Hoku Jino (tu'utu'uni kehe)

Mamani, Mamani, Mamani, ko hoku jino iaVai, Vai, Vai, ko hoku toto ia'Ataa, 'Ataa, 'Ataa, ko hoku manava iaPea (ko e) 'Afi, 'Afi, 'Afi, ko hoku laumalie ia.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Earth My Body (alt) by Pagan Songs and Chants. Or Earth My Body (alt) poem lyrics. Pagan Songs and Chants Earth My Body (alt) text. Also can be known by title Earth My Body alt (Pagan Songs and Chants) text.