Bijelo Dugme "Top" lyrics

Translation to:enplptruuk


Topom ću te gađatmoja malavidim li nekadda si s drugim stala

Kupit ću si topkad tad, kad tadi onda bit ću tvojkad tad, kad tad

Za dan dva, možda trimožda pet, možda stone znam brojali znam da bit ću tvoj

Kupit ću si tenkkad tad, kad tadda te vozim njimkad tad, kad tad

Za dan dva, možda trimožda pet, možda stone znam brojali znam da bit ću tvoj

Dat ću ti neba za snedat ću ti ljubav i svekad budem tvojkad budem tvoj


I'll fire at youfrom a cannon, babyif I see you hanging aroundwith someone else.

I'm gonna buy myself a cannon,sooner or later, sooner or later.And then I'm gonna be yours,sooner or later, sooner or later.

In a day or two, maybe three,maybe five, maybe a hundred,I don't know how many,but I know I'm gonna be yours.

I'm gonna buy myself a tanksooner or later, sooner or later.So I can drive you in itsooner or later, sooner or later.

In a day or two, maybe three,maybe five, maybe a hundred,I don't know how many,but I know I'm gonna be yours.

I'll give you sky, enough for everything.I'll give you love and dreams,when I'm yours, when I'm yours...

(translated by Gavrilo Došen)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Top by Bijelo Dugme. Or Top poem lyrics. Bijelo Dugme Top text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Top meaning.