Ooh-la la la,La la la laOoh- la la laOh OhOoh-la la laLa la la laOoh- la la laWith the Girls, With the Girls’ Generation(Cha Cha Cha Cha)
Looking here Baby or talking on the phone Ring RingPretending to be natural in an awkward mannerI already know you the PaparazziWith a smiling face that you wish to see Aha ha ha ha
Every night’s hide and seekNow there’re still many satellitesDon’t you want more good reports?Let’s be nice to each other, aren’t we of the same party
Life is a party from garage to suite roomAny time you go boom boom boomgorgeous car chase, flowers all roundLeading you to the Boom boom boom
The love that grown up with a price tagShooting the darkness while flash is the sight of moneyLife is a party from garage to suite roomNo matter I’m sleeping or awake, boom boom boom
Ooh-la la la,La la la laOoh- la la la
When I hide you wish to see the back of the screenThe person who pretends to be honest also goes La cha cha laThat dandy person also goes Mama mama at homeFeeling anxious at the thrill of the secret kiss
Puckadelic crazy nightSearchlight for the restless starBad boy bad girl I’m don’t careCompared to being controlled, dancing is the style
Life is a Party, the more damage it causes the more it sellsOnce discovered, the last Boom boom boomThe shadow hiding at the end of the nightTake a shortcut to the front and Boom boom boom
After the rumors sparkle as rumoursBurning and before burring
With the Girls, With the Girls’ Generation
I’m just loving and receiving lovesNow that even this love becomes dirtyI can’t bear with it, I can’t bear with itBut there’s no reason for me to complainHere and thereBoom boom boom
Saying that the more you show the brighter you shineCome On Friends, that’s right this way, Oh la ta ta
Life is a party from garage to suite roomAny time you go boom boom boomgorgeous Carchase, flowers all roundLeading you to the Boom boom boom
The drop of tears that’s rolling down nowUntil it becomes a shining diamond
Life is a party from garage to suite room(Life is party~ Yeah, yeah, yeah!)No matter I’m sleeping or awake, boom boom boom