Ricky Martin "Jamás" lyrics

Translation to:csenfr


Jamás volverás a mirarme como lo hiciste antesJamás volverás a ser dueña del recuerdo de amorJamás volverás a confundirme con tu falso diamanteYa no voy a creer en tu carita arrepentida jamás

Dando tus mentiras me envolviste el corazónPor tus disculpas fui una tumba de inconscienciaPaciencia yo bendigo, vendo mi resignaciónTe vuelves repulsiva por jugar con mi conciencia

Que pierdas la cabeza si hace falta dignidadTú viste como dama ocultando tu miseriaMalicia tan rastrera, te me vuelves tentaciónVacío que me aleja lo que anhelo ya tu ausencia

¡Pobre de aquel a que le crea al amor!¡Pobre de aquel a que te crea a ti!


You'll never look at me the way you used to do beforeYou'll never be the keeper of love memoryYou'll never confuse me with your brilliant lieI'll never believe to the remorse on your face

Your lies have enmeshed my heartBecause of your excuses my mind got to a graveI glorify my patience, my obedience strained to the limitYou are disgusting because you've played with my consciousness

Maybe I've gone mad maybe didn't have enough of dignityYou looked like a lady that hid her basenessCunning is low, do not tempt meDamn, I wish you disappear

Poor is somebody who has believed in love!Poor is somebody who has believed to you!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Jamás by Ricky Martin. Or Jamás poem lyrics. Ricky Martin Jamás text in English. Also can be known by title Jamas (Ricky Martin) text. This page also contains a translation, and Jamas meaning.