Amanda Seyfried "L'il Red Riding Hood" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:esfrhutr

L'il Red Riding Hood

Hey there little red riding hoodYou sure are looking goodYou're everything a big bad wolf could want

Little red riding hoodI don't think little big girls shouldGo walking in these spooky old woods alone

What big eyes you haveThe kind of eyes that drive wolves madJust to see that you don't get chasedI think I oughta walk with you for a ways

What full lips you haveThey're sure to lure someone badSo until you get to Grandma's placeI think you oughta walk with me and be safe

Gonna keep my sheep suit on'Til I'm sure that you've been shownThat I can be trusted walking with you alone

Little red riding hoodI'd like to hold you if I couldBut you might think I'm a big bad wolf so I won't

What a big heart I haveThe better to love you withLittle red riding hoodEven bad wolves can be good

I try to keep satisfiedJust to walk close by your sideMaybe you'll see things my way'Fore we get to Grandma's place

Little red riding hoodYou sure are looking goodYou're everything a big bad wolf could want

Little red riding hoodI don't think little big girls shouldGo walking in these spooky old woods alone

What big eyes you haveThe kind of eyes that drive wolves madJust to see that you don't get chasedI think I oughta walk with you for a ways

What full lips you haveThey're sure to lure someone badSo until you get to Grandma's placeI think you oughta walk with me and be safe

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes L'il Red Riding Hood Song von Amanda Seyfried. Oder der Gedichttext L'il Red Riding Hood. Amanda Seyfried L'il Red Riding Hood Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Lil Red Riding Hood bekannt sein (Amanda Seyfried) Text.