Xandria "Drown In Me" Songtext

Drown In Me

Trust in me,I'll make you see everything inside the fireLet us share all our secrets,I can take away the dire

I will make you drown,I will let you fall so deepI will see you frown,I will let you fall so deep into me

Fight me - as now it's overHate me - so I can forgive myselfNow I am cryingWill it be your fate to love and die?

I will make you drown,I will let you fall so deepI will see you frown,I will let you fall so deep into me

Forgive me - and die

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Drown In Me Song von Xandria. Oder der Gedichttext Drown In Me. Xandria Drown In Me Text.