Weird Al Yankovic "You're Pitiful" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elru

You're Pitiful

My life is brilliant...

What, was I too early? I'm sorry.Should I...Do you wanna start over? Or, keep going?Okay, now? Now?

My life is brilliantYour life's a jokeYou're just patheticYou're always broke

Your homemade Star Trek uniformreally ain't impressin' meYou're sufferin' from delusions ofAdequacy

You're pitiful [X3]It's true

Never had a dateThat ya couldn't inflateAnd ya smell repulsive tooWhat a bummer bein' you

Well ya just can't danceAnd forget romanceEverybody you know still calls yaFarty Pants...But you always have a job well I meanAs long as you still can work that Slurpee machine

You're pitiful [X3]It's true

You're half undressedEatin' chips of your chestWhile you're playin' Halo 2No one's classier than you

Lalala laLalala laLalala la Loser

You're pitiful [X3]It's true

Your dog would much ratherPlay fetch by itself

You still live with your Mom and you're 42

Guess you'll never grow a clueWhen it just sucks to be you

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