Bryan Ferry "Don't Stop The Dance" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elhuuk

Don't Stop The Dance

Mama says truth is all that mattersLying 'n deceiving is a sinDrifting through a world that's torn and tatteredEvery thought I have don't mean a thing

Don't stopDon't stop the dance

Mama says love is all that mattersBeauty should be deeper than your skinLiving for the moment - lips and lashesWill I ever find my way again

Don't stopDon't stop the dance

Mama says only stormy weatherDon't know why there's no sun in the skyFootsteps in the dark come togetherGot to keep on moving or I'll die

Don't stopDon't stop the dance

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Don't Stop The Dance Song von Bryan Ferry. Oder der Gedichttext Don't Stop The Dance. Bryan Ferry Don't Stop The Dance Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Dont Stop The Dance bekannt sein (Bryan Ferry) Text.