Bright Eyes "Susan Miller Rag" Songtext

Susan Miller Rag

When all the knots' attention keep you from getting looseRelax your loveRelax your livingAnd cruise... past the People's Choice and their backwards attitudes.

When you're done all sleeping and all your dreams fall throughRelax your rushRelax your grievingAnd lose... yourself in the trill of your woodwind solitude

Light in the corners of the roomIn your Eighth House is a rising moonBetter get out of here soon...

Far away from the rag tradeFar away from this maritime state you're stuck inRelax your lawRelax your egoAnd groove... from the deep-sea dive to the nose-bleed altitudes

When you divide the memories outside the photoboothRelax your causeRelax your feelingAnd choose... not the one that you want but the one they just handed you

When the tequila gimmicks start soft but get you juicedRelax your thoughtsRelax your breathingAnd do... what you want, when you want, with whoever you wanted to

The sun is eclipsed as silence swoonsAnd you your Eighth House is a darkened roomIs it midnight or high noon?

Far away from the rag tradeFar away from this marathon race you're runningRelax your costsAnd dodge the zeroesAnd prove... what you think that you can to whoever you needed to

Far away from the rag tradeFar away from this maritime stateFar away from the rag tradeFar away from this maritime state you're stuck in...You're stuck in

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Susan Miller Rag Song von Bright Eyes. Oder der Gedichttext Susan Miller Rag. Bright Eyes Susan Miller Rag Text.