Black Cats "Ahanghe man" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:en

Ahanghe man

cheshmoon siyah babyto yare maninagoo, nagoo, nagoo maybeto male manicheshmoon siyah babyto yare maninagoo, nagoo, nagoo maybeto male mani

az shahre khosh fereshteha verde zaboonihame mishnasanetbe khoshgeliobe mehrabooniba naz o ada rah miri atish misoozoonihame dooset daran asheghetandokhtar irooni...ay,aydokhtar irooni

begoo az mano del chi mikhaybegoo chi mikhayochi, chi nemikhaybasat harchi bekhay miyrambekhay joon sare rat mizarambegoo chi mikhaybegoo chi mikhay

say what do you want babyhoney i love u so muchtell me what u wanttell me what u want

eshghe mani.... ahadel mibari.... ahaeshve gari.... ahau are my lifeu are my saz(a kind of guitare)u are the melody of my songu are the melody of my songu are the melody of my song

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Ahanghe man Song von Black Cats. Oder der Gedichttext Ahanghe man. Black Cats Ahanghe man Text.